27 Nov 2013

Hello again!

Hi there!
Long time no see! I have been away for about 6 months... That is a looooong time. In blogging-terms I do not exist anymore. I doubted quite for some time if I still wanted to be a blogger. Bloggers are sometimes seen as greedy girls with a sick obsession of clothes, to own them, to get them for free, to get the newest things first. I do like clothes, I do like to know what's going on in the fashion world. I do have some friends working in the fashion industry. But I do not want to be seen as greedy. That made me doubt the whole blogging thing. Now I realized I'm just not that person that a lot of people think bloggers are. I'm just a girl with a job in healthcare; earning my own money, happen to like clothes and fashion and weird wearable objects. And I love expressing myself through how I look. I like to shock some of my colleagues ones in a while when I arrive in the morning. I like to combine things that do not seem to match at first. That's why I started blogging in the first place. That's why my blog felt as my own weird little fashionable place. Where I could express myself better online than that I do offline (white uniform during the weekdays...). So for now I say: I'm back! I would like to share with you whatever things I like and wear. 
To come back to the above photo; the drawing is me. The very talented Sella Molenaar made a drawing of me at the Isabel Marant for H&M event the day before it went on sale. (Yes, no blogging but still a fashion lover, so ahead in line!) She made it only in 5 minutes! I was amazed by the way it looks really like me! Thanks Stella, love your work!